Sarvottam Quality Advertising

"Sarvottam Quality Advertising"
Acrylic on Canvas - 36" x 48"

Advertising in the Indian context means different things to different people. Icons of industry and business have product placement a necessity. But some have transcended in such a wide manner from one generation to the next that they almost seem an essential part of our daily lives.

My early work in advertising and copy writing brought me in sync with some of  these seemingly everlasting images. We live and breathe the messages they impart and  look at them through our inner mind with such regularity that it has left an unshakeable imprint on our psyche.

Yes, products do evolve and so does the variety of images we befriend, but the process with each is the similar. Each has a compelling story within a story to tell. We as consumers take our tentative steps towards them with a desire to own, but it is they who end up owning us.